Sunday, July 30, 2017

How to follow another blog.

It's been awhile so.....I don't know how to follow a new blog.  Like if I like someone comments on another post.  And since I don't see a FOLLOW can I follow someone and how can they follow me?  Can anyone help me?
Also....I see that I have a few peoples who look at or read  my posts on occasion.  Seems like some of the comments I post so not show up.   Could someone please leave a comment, even it'd  to say. "Boring."  I want to see if I can receive comments.  Thanks.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Vacation Home

Owwww!  I have put this off too long.  Time to see the dentist.  Yup.  I've waited  so long that the dentist will he able to buy one huge vacation home!  And I will get to see just what my insurance covers.  If fact I'm not sure I have enough money to pay my portion.  New insurance.   It's not good being a widow once let alone twice.  Damn this tooth hurts!!!!!

Friday, July 28, 2017

Where have all the trees gone?

Our tree filled park is being upgraded.  That involves removing many of the.trees so they can put in a blacktop path for cyclists and a frisbee golf course, etc.
And many trees being  taken down in our old neighborhood.  Some are diseased, some dead and others just  because they shed their leaves in the fall.
They might as well tear out all the greenery and pour cement everywhere.

Monday, July 24, 2017


L finally know  how to find this blog which includes my regular (previous) reading list but I won't  seem to be connected  to  those who used to read me.  What to d9?  Again, I will try to find old original blog on my laptop.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

How can I do what I say?

I let my daughter move in with me.  She had no where else to go.  I told her, "No attempted suicides and no self harm or you cannot stay here.  And so .....she purposely made about 4 - 4 1/2 " by 1.5 " deeply dug scratches in her legs.  Then within the week she made more.  It is really hurting my heart but nothing I say makes a difference.  I feel sick to my stomach and it seems like I am hyper vigilance.  Ot is not good for either my physical and mental health.  I deserve to have a life.  Finally.  Ove been through so much shot in my life.  As her mom I hate to throw her out.  But then I am not doing what I said I would do.  My sister (a recovering alcoholic)
Says she is convinced my daughter is on drugs.  I want keep worrying about all this.  I can't keep beating my head against the wall.  It's gonna kill me.
So...i can only pray for her.  And I will also pray for myself that God will help me let go and put joy back in my heart.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Thursday, July 13, 2017


Well this blog just popped up all on it's own!  I don't know which blog it is but I pray that it is my original blog.
If not you are looking at my newer fake blog.  By that I mean I started it when I couldn't find my real blog.  Problem is....i still had my original reading list but had lost all my followers.  Anyway..i don't know if anyone is able to see this but hugs and kisses to all of you.